TFM Community Garden Opportunity Coming Soon! Ever wanted to grow your own garden and learn how to be more self sustaining? We are so excited to announce that we will be breaking ground soon for a local community garden at Precinct 4's Community Outreach location off of 249 and Holderrieth Road! Precinct 4 Community Outreach, the City of Tomball, Tomball Farmers Market and other local organizations. We will have spaces available to lease every season! The gardens will be open to the members of the community, area schools, retirement communities, citizens with disabilities and veterans. We are working to be able to offer scholarships and sponsorships will be available. We are looking to be able to offer classes and outings within this partnership to help our community become more self sufficient! We will have several opportunities for area businesses, schools and community members to give back by volunteering at the community gardens weekly as well. Just another way we are partnering with the community to grow Tomball! Please stay tuned for more information.
Do you get our newsletter? I send out a weekly email newsletter every Thursday to let you know what's happening at TFM and in Tomball when there are special events! Sign up here!
We can't wait to see you this weekend! Tomball Farmers Market ~Amanda Kelly, Market Manager
Don't forget to stop by and visit Jane owner of Filipino Eats as she will be absent the month of September! She makes the BEST Filipino Food in NW Houston so please stock up on your favorite prepared meals from Jane this weekend! She will return in October! We can't wait to see you this Saturday from 9 to 1 PM! It's going to be a great weekend to enjoy everything Tomball has to offer!
Tomball Farmers Market ~Amanda Kelly, Market Manager
Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for the way you support and love on our local vendors!
We can't wait to serve you this weekend! ~Amanda Kelly, TFM Market Manager August 13th, 2022 at Tomball Farmers Market
Bernhardt WineryOpha Mays Soaps and SundriesVendor Spotlight!
We appreciate the way you support our local farms and small businesses! We can't wait to serve you this weekend!
Thank you, Tomball Farmers Market ~Amanda Kelly, Market Manager
It's time to CELEBRATE 50 years of Tomball Night's THIS FRIDAY from 5 PM to 10 PM!! Come out with your family and help us ring in a new year in Tomball! There will be so much for you to enjoy this year like the Parade of Lights, Live Music, the Health Expo, lots of goodies to eat & over 100 VENDORS! Read more from the Houston Chronicle HERE. Farm Vendor Spotlight: Verdegreens HydroponicsAugust is always a struggle for many of our farmers. Especially this year with our lack of rain. Lettuce is especially difficult here in Houston as lettuce really doesn't like the heat here. Verdegreens is our organic hydroponic farmer locally and they are always looking outside the box to continue to be able to bring you fresh organic produce and products every week. They have recently created Salad dressings to compliment their tasty lettuce and microgreen blends. This weekend, Verdegreens will be showcasing their new dressings as well as fresh herbs and microgreen selections.
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Our Mission is to provide our community with the highest quality local farm fresh foods, locally prepared foods & local handcrafted products every week. Tomball Farmers Market strives to be an advocate for local farmers & local small businesses. Tomball Farmers Market is a Texas registered nonprofit organization.
Questions Regarding the Farmers Market? Email us at: [email protected].
Please direct any TFM Organization concerns or recommendations to our TFM Board via our Board President at [email protected].
Questions Regarding the Farmers Market? Email us at: [email protected].
Please direct any TFM Organization concerns or recommendations to our TFM Board via our Board President at [email protected].